Please check this calendar for availability. Anything in green or pink is currently booked. If this calendar indicates that the dates you are seeking are unavailable, please reach out to us as the calendar changes daily. We look forward to your stay in Douglas, Michigan!
Booking process
Ready to book your getaway to The Douglas Boathouse? Your booking will be confirmed in three simple steps.
1. Complete the Booking Application below. Or, if you have any questions and would like to chat, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We will respond to your request within 24 hours.
2. A payment request and contract will be sent via email. This will be sent to you once we confirm your dates are available.
3. Once your contract and payment are received, your booking will be confirmed. Start planning and packing!
4. If you would like to purchase cancellation insurance through travelGuard, click this link to contact our travelGuard agent. [email protected]
1. Complete the Booking Application below. Or, if you have any questions and would like to chat, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We will respond to your request within 24 hours.
2. A payment request and contract will be sent via email. This will be sent to you once we confirm your dates are available.
3. Once your contract and payment are received, your booking will be confirmed. Start planning and packing!
4. If you would like to purchase cancellation insurance through travelGuard, click this link to contact our travelGuard agent. [email protected]